Monday, 29 August 2016

Harold is watching me colour Hook-fang in. Hook-fang is all red.
Harold is in the watering hole.

The tumatauenge mask fits Harold.

Harold is in the hut with Charlie and I.
Harold was a little bit scared.

Harold is getting hunted by a poacher, but we saved him.

Harold is by a fallen tree.
        By Jack.

Monday, 22 August 2016

In the weekend Jacob came to my  house and stayed two nights. They went to the league breakup.  My brother got two certificates and one trophy.
By Samantha
Harold was standing on the gate next to me.

Harold was sitting on the calves neck.

Harold was laying down next to the calf.
      By Johanna

Tuesday, 16 August 2016

Harold and I watched TV and it was fun,

I was hugging Harold and I was showing him my Star Wars cards.
By Jensen

We had fun... We watched the gymnastics.

By Hayley.
Harold and I were playing on my tablet.
Rory was playing with Harold.
Harold liked playing with Captain America lego.
Dad put Harold in his helmet.

Frog and Harold were sleeping in my bed.
By Kyle.

Friday, 5 August 2016

Click on this image to view Room Two making pancakes!

Monday, 1 August 2016

After school on Friday Harold and I watched some TV.
He helped me bring in some wood for the fire.
He liked being up high on the basketball hoop and playing on the trampoline.

Harold liked playing on my tablet.
by James